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A Different Kind of Beauty Wake-up: Using Organic Makeup

· health and beauty

Whether you are a makeup fanatic or not, there are moments when a little touch up on the face can do wonders. With the help of face cream, concealer, mascara and blush you can obtain that even skin tone and bright face. Whether using it on a daily basis or every now and then, your skin deserves the best. Just like the use of some natural face cream and essential oils can do wonders, why not use organic cosmetics as well? The benefits of it are numerous and so are the chances that you will find a budget-friendly line.


They Contain No Harsh Chemicals

If you haven’t developed some kind of skin reaction to conventional cosmetics, then you are in luck. ‘Thanks’ to the contained chemicals in its ingredient list, mass-produced cosmetic can often cause numerous skin irritations, allergies, itches, patches, etc. Some of these chemicals can be related to cancer, while others can even be poisonous to the endocrine system. For instance, the contained parabens in makeup, skincare products, shampoos and body lotions can disrupt hormones and can cause cancer. Fortunately, the beauty of organic cosmetics is that no chemicals and toxins can be found in them, which makes them the perfect choice literally for everyone. Because of this important factor, you can have peace of mind that no chemical reaction can happen on your face and no further health issues can occur. Whether opting for natural cosmetics coming from Australian or foreign origin, make sure to look for ones that are only certified as organic. This is just another pointer that can give you assurance of the product’s quality and reliability.

No Artificial Perfumes Are Added to Them

One of the most common ingredients you can see in mass-produced makeup products is fragrance. Unfortunately, this compound can be hazardous as a lot of research link it to cancer, allergies, nervous system disorders and even with birth defects. The saddest thing about this compound is that people accept it by inhaling it and through the skin since the product is applied to it. That is why you should stay away from this compound, and luckily, pure organic makeup products don’t contain the human-made fragrance. The only fragrance you may find in them is the one that comes from a natural origin – pure essential oils. Besides being perfect for aromatherapy and aiding with a specific condition, essential oils are considered as the safest type of natural perfume. However, since they are pure and strong, diluting them with a carrier oil is paramount.


They Are Rich in Nutrients

Can you imagine being able to feed your skin only with natural compounds that won’t break the bank?! Just amazing. Our skin has the ability to absorb whatever we put on it, so instead of feeding it with harmful compounds, you should give it only the best. Natural ingredients like coconut oil and cocoa butter have proven to be the ideal natural moisturisers that can provide essential fatty acids which are essential for having youthful-looking skin. Some other ingredients you can look in foundations, face creams and even decorative cosmetic are extracts of white tea, apricots, grape and pomegranate seeds which are high in antioxidants. They have also proven as great in inhibiting collagenase and elastase to break down. When breaking down, they make the skin lose its elasticity.

Keeps Ageing at Bay

Did you know that natural makeup products are made with natural minerals which are great in providing a certain level of sun protection? There is a reason why dermatologists recommend applying a good amount of sun protection on a daily basis and especially on the face. That is because the skin on the face is thinner than the rest of the body which makes it more susceptible to UV rays and of course, ageing. So, besides using sun protection, choosing mineral-rich organic makeup products can certainly help you in this fight. Such products are great in supporting youthful and healthy-looking skin. And except for this, you can also look for products that contain vitamin C as this vitamin has proven to be great for protecting the skin while also getting rid of those fine lines and skin pigmentation.


They Are Eco-Friendly

The beauty of organic makeup products is that they don’t contain any chemicals and petroleum-based ingredients. They are also free of aluminium and lead which can be extremely harsh to the skin. By choosing to use organic makeup and skincare products you are saving the environment as ingredients like lead and petroleum require extensive mining. This leads to the destruction of the world’s most beautiful areas and rainforests. By stocking with aluminium, manufacturers not only cause damage to your health (it’s the main cause for breast cancer), but they also destroy wide swaths of rainforest all around the world. So, yeah, this is another proof of the purity and beneficence of investing in natural cosmetic.